© 2019 Home of Everlasting Love Christian Church, CHINO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
- 以耶穌基督的愛彼此服事的教會
- 委身於耶穌基督大使命的教會
- 注重教導神話語和禱告的教會
- 用愛心行動來服事社區的教會
- 能帶來靈命更新的崇拜
- 能改變生命的小組教會
- 注重在靈性上培育下一代的教會
We envision becoming a church
- where all our people learn to love one another with the love of Christ
- where all our people are committed to the Great Commission of Christ
- that focuses on teaching the Word of God and prayers
- where all our people learn to serve our community with love in action
- with Spirit-anointed worship that brings spiritual renewal
- made up of life-transforming cell groups
- where our next generation is nurtured spiritually
奇諾崗第一間粵語基督教會 (美南浸信會)
First Cantonese Christian Church in Chino Valley, a Southern Baptist Church